Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Ringing Dog

LONDON, ENGLAND. It's Christmas time in London. Rachel Murphy, 27, buys a Christmas gift for her roommate. It's a small cellular phone. She wraps it and puts it under the Christmas tree in their apartment. a little bit later, Rachel notices a pile of torn paper under the tree. The phone is gone! "What's going on?" she wonders. She suspects Charlie, her roommate's dog, who is sleeping like a log near the tree. She looks high and low for the phone, but it's nowhere. She can't firgure it out. The phone has vanished into thin air!

Rachel gets the phone number from the telephone company and dials the number. She hears ringing in Charlie's stomach. "What in the world?" she thinks. She's confused, but all at once she gets the picture. Charlie swollowed the phone! She rushes the dog to the vet. "Don't worry," the vet says. "Just let nature take its course." Sure enough, 24 hours later, the phone passes through Charlie's system. It seems to be in perfect working order!

About You:

1. Do you have a pet? If so, does it get into trouble like Charlie?

2. Did you ever own something that vanished into thin air? Did you look high and low for it? Did you ever find it?

3. Do you sleep like a log, or are you a light sleeper?

4. What is the best gift you ever received? On what holidays do you give gifts?

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